Children of men/Le fils de l'homme

Avant d'aller au cinéma je suis passée au bureau de poste pour ramasser le colis que j'avais reçu. Je croyais que ce serait les produits Anita Grant que j'avais commandé mais finalement c'était trucs de l'échange de magasins à 1$ auquel je participais. Ma partenaire original ayant disparu dans la nature, on m'a assigné une ange qui m'a fait parvenir ceux-ci. J'ai eu une cadre de photo décoré avec des billes, des aimants faits avec des pierres en verre et des cartes de jeux, une boîte faite avec une carte de jeux et des dés, un petit carnet, un livre de design de Phillipe Starck et enfin ce sac au motif de la Madone et enfant. Ce dernier était une demande spéciale de ma part, elle en avait modifié un pour son autre partenaire et je le lui en ai demandé un si elle en avait. J'aime le côté ironique de la chose, de moins de mon point de vue d'agnostique.
Une dernière chose, maintenant que j'ai vidé le sac qui contenait le couvre-matelas, je l'utilise maintenant pour ma laine Galway. Je crois avoir de la place pour le double...
I worked late last night so I once again had the day off. I woke up just in time to see the delivery dudes ring my doorbell to deliver my new mattress. Once they left I had to go get a blanket to cover my box spring and I figured while I'm out I may as well catch a movie. I had settled on The Queen but just before I stepped out I saw a report on TV on an Acadian former WWE wrestler who was playing in 300 and since I did want to see that movie, I decided to check out the 1pm showing, thinking their wouldn't be many people there. Well, I had forgotten that it was spring break so every pimply fanboy was out to see the movie. After trolling the stores I went to the AMC but The Queen had started since 20 minutes so I saw Children of Men instead, no biggie I wanted to see it. It reminded me of 12 Monkeys and left me with the same feeling of hopelessness. I liked it and recommend it but not if your feeling a little down.
Before going to the movie I stopped by the post office to pick up a package I received a notice for. I thought it was my Anita Grant products but turns out it was my Dollar store swap package. My original partner being MIA, another participant agreed to be my angel. I got a picture frame decorated with teeny beads, magnets made with glass beads and playing cards, a small box made with a playing card and dies, a notebook, a Phillipe Starck design book and finaly this Madonna and child bag. I requested that one because she had given a modified one to her other partner. I loved it's kitschyness, at least to my agnostic eyes.
One last thing, I recycled the bag that held the mattress cover to hold my Galway yarn. I think I have room for twice as much...
Labels: Dollar store swap
Excellent reusing of the bag! We took our little ones to a movie on Thursday afternoon at the Paramount on Ste Catherine's (Night At The Museum) and are planning to make it to a showing of 300 soon-ish. I hear its good.
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