Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Just got back from all that Mutant madness. It's good, won't put it in my all time favorites, I'd say it's a cheap night thrill ride. But let me add this, pay attention to the last frames of the movie before the credits roll and stay till the end of the credits. Trust me.

Je reviens tous juste de voir le film de guerre mutante et c'était bon quoique je ne le mettrai pas dans ma liste de mes films d'actions incontournable. Si vous avez le voir, portez attention aux dernières images du film, tout juste avant le générique et à la toute fin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karine, I just came upon your blog from the World Cup Knitting site and have been really enjoying it! I've been trying to improve my French reading speed and comprehension and here I get to do both, all while reading about your beautiful knitting! Anyway, just wanted to say hello - I am eagerly waiting to see how your dying venture turns out.

11:56 AM  

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